The terms used in the singular or plural in the body of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use beginning with a capital letter have the meaning given to them below:
Application: refers to the Web Application
Portable battery: refers to the self-service portable batteries made available to Users by OneFlash. The portable batteries are supplied with three (3) charging cables and are stored at the Stations. The portable batteries are intended to recharge Users' compatible electronic devices;
Deposit: refers to the amount displayed on the Application when the QR Code is scanned and debited from the User's bank account in the event that the User keeps a Portable Battery in his or her possession beyond the Maximum Rental Period;
GTCU: refers to these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale agreed between the User and OneFlash;
Maximum rental period: refers to the maximum authorised consecutive rental period for a Portable Battery from the moment it is activated by a User, which is displayed on the Application when the QR Code is scanned.
Personal Space: refers to the virtual space assigned to the User when they register and which can be accessed by entering their personal login details on the Application or by logging in via their Google, Facebook or Apple Pay account. The Personal Space provides access to all the OneFlash Features and Services offered to the User;
Functionalities: refers to all the functionalities related to the use of portable Batteries, such as, in particular, the geolocation of Stations, the availability of portable Batteries and the monitoring of rental time offered in real time by OneFlash to Users and accessible via the Application;
Personal login details: refers to the data required for the User to create and access their Personal Space (email address and password or telephone number);
QR Code: refers to a two-dimensional barcode, located on and in the centre of the Station, used to unlock a Portable Battery;
OneFlash: refers to OneFlash, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of €6882.10, having its registered office at 7 place de l'hôtel de Ville– 93600 Aulnays-sous-Bois Paris, registered with the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 853 831 246;
Parties: refers to OneFlash and the User signatory to these GTCSU;
Services / Service Offer: refers to all the Features and Services offered by OneFlash through the Application, Stations and Portable Batteries;
Website: refers to the OneFlash website accessible at the following address:;
Station: refers to the support equipped with six (6) OneFlash portable Batteries on which the QR Code appears;
Users: refers to any person aged sixteen (16) or over who uses OneFlash services.
OneFlash provides its Users with self-service portable Batteries for recharging their electronic devices, as well as an Application enabling them to use the Services.